Game Version - 2.0 (Out of beta!)

Current Bids
NPC 1 ? - ?'s
NPC 2 ? - ?'s
NPC 3 ? - ?'s
NPC 4 ? - ?'s
NPC 5 ? - ?'s
You ? - ?'s
*Ten 4's will show up as 10 - 4's
Current Win Streak: 0

Best Win Streak: 0

Score Chart
Player Wins Losses
You 0 0
NPC 1 0 0
NPC 2 0 0
NPC 3 0 0
NPC 4 0 0
NPC 5 0 0
[One of your five Dice] [One of your five Dice [One of your five Dice] [One of your five Dice] [One of your five Dice]

Instructions on How to Play 'Liar's Dice'

  1. The Basics
    • Each Player has a total of five dice. If there are two players, the total amount of dice in play is 10. If there are three players, the total amount of dice in play is 15, and so on.
    • You can only roll your dice cup (or hand) once per round.
    • Each round ends after someone calls out another player as a 'Liar'(see Bidding & Liars).
    • Each player must make a bet.
  2. Bidding & Liars
    • When Bidding, you say two numbers. The First number is how many dice you are claiming there are, and the Second number is the value of those dice. For example: 4, 5 (or four 5's) means you are betting that out of ALL of the dice in play, four of them are 5's.
    • Each players bid MUST be at least one number greater than the previous players' bid in one of the categories. For example: If the previous bid is Four 5's, you MUST bid Five 5's OR Four 6's.
    • If you think someone has bid something that is not possible you may call them out (or call them a 'Liar'). You then look at all the dice in play. If they're bid is incorrect, they lose. If they're bid is correct, you lose. The round is then concluded and each player rolls their dice again to start a new round.

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*The most recent version is at the bottom of the list
  • Beta 1.0 - [10/12/2017]
    -Initial Release
  • Beta 1.1 - [NOT RELEASED]
    -Very minor tweaks and additions. Decided to release with next version
  • Beta 1.2 - [10/14/2017]
    -Updated Interface by adding images, additional styling, fonts, color schemes, etc.
  • Beta 1.2.5 - [10/15/2017]
    -Fixed an issue that was causing images on the page to load incorrectly or not load at all
  • Beta 1.3 - [10/24/2017]
    -Found and fixed a bug that prevented NPC 2-5 from calling out other players
    -Added the Version History button
  • Beta 1.4 - [12/10/2017]
    -Fixed a bidding bug that allowed players to match the bid of NPC 5. Conflicting with the rules
    -Added Twitter information for those who are interested
    Decided to release with 1.5 due to the gap in update history
  • Official Release: Game Version 2.0 - [12/11/2017]
    -Added GitHub contact information for those who are interested
    -Added alternate text so you can still play the game if images don't load
    -Added titles to better describe the Dice images based on what you rolled

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.