Important Note!

Currently these calculators do NOT take into affect any of the passive abilities obtained at levels 4 and 8 that each hero has
it also DOES NOT take into account which of the two awakened abilities you have active, it simply assumes
your hero is lv20 and Tier 1 with just purely their base stats and calculates their skill damage accordingly.

This page is currently a HUGE work in progress


Fires a powerful bullet at the target, dealing damage equal to (Spell Power).

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Headshot attack


Crescent Slash
Unleash a piercing aura with his sword, dealing (20/35/50/65+ Spell Power) damage to all enemies in a straight line within 1/3/5/7 horizontal block(s) in front of him.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


Iron Will
Iron Will - Generates (30/120/250/700 + Spell Power) Protection upon herself with her willpower.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Protection Gained: _______ per Iron Will use


Smites enemies with his shield, dealing (30/40/50/60+Spell Power) damage and stunning all enemies within 1/3/5/5x2 horizontal range in front of him for 1.5/2/2.5/3 sec.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


Deals (30/45/60/75+Spell Power) damage to the target and all enemies within 3x3/2/5x5/4 range near the target, freezing them for 1/1.33/1.66/2 sec.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Blizzard attack


Judgement of Light
Smashes his hammer down with all his might, dealing (50/60/70/80+Spell Power) damage to all enemies in 1x1/3x3/2x2/5x5 block(s) nearby.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Judgement of Light attack


Ambushes the target from behind, dealing damage equal to (Spell Power).

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Backstab attack

Chung Ah

Horizontal Dragon Edge
Deals (10/15/20/25+Spell Power) damage to enemies within 3 horizontal blocks infront of her. After casting Horizontal Dragon Edge 3 times casts Azure Dragon Slash that deals 2.5 times more damage in a wide range.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Horizontal Dragon Edge attack, and _______ per Azure Dragon Slash attack


Summon Goldem
Summons Sha-Sha with 150% Health and 150% Attack of Lily.

Vitality of Nature
Heals Sha-Sha for (20/80/160/500+Spell Power) health.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Heal Amount: _______ per Vitality of Nature use


For 4 seconds, increases Defence by 60, becomes immune to crowd control, gains 100% Spell HP Drain, and deals Spell Power spell damage to all enemies within 3x3 blocks.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Avatar attack


Full Bloom
Deals Spell Power damage 1/2/3/4 times to all enemies within 3x3 range in front of her. Increases next Full Bloom's attack counts by 1 (Max 6 attack counts).

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Full Bloom attack


Reckless Protection
Land in front of an ally at the lead, dealing (40/50/60/70+Spell Power) damage to all enemies within 3x3/2/5x5/4 range and pushed them back by 2 blocks.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Reckless Protection attack


Natural Instinct
Transforms into a Werewolf, increasing Health by 200% and Attack by 125% of original values

Wild Fury Dash towards a target, dealing Spell Power damage and stunning them for 1/2/3/4 seconds.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Wild Fury attack


Giant Smite
Leaps into the air to strike, dealing (Spell Power + 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% of the target's Max HP) damage to an enemy. (Max damage = Spell Power x 3)

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Giant Smite attack


Blessing of the Blue Moon
Concentrates for 5 seconds and grants (15 / 60 / 120 / 250 + Spell Power) Protection to the linked target and gives (90% / 100% / 110% / 120% of Attack and Spell Power) converted into the target hero's base stats (50% efficiency when applied to the same hero)

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Stat Boost: _______ while Blessing of the Blue Moon skill is active


Calm and Stormy
Lanches a wave that hits both neardy enemies and allies back and forth 4/5/6/7 times, dealing (30 / 45 / 60 / 75 + Spell Power) damage upon hitting an enemy and recovers the ally's Health by the same amount

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage/Healing: _______ per Calm and Stormy hit

Zuo Yun

Unleash the boiling rage and increases his Attack Speed by (50 + Spell Power)% for 3/5/7/9 seconds.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Enrage attack
Final Attack Speed: _______ while Enrage is active


Discharges streaks of lightning that bounce between enemies 1/2/3/4 times dealing (5 / 7 / 10 / 13 + Spell Power) damage.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Crackle attack


Breathes out flames dealing (10 + Spell Power) damage to all enemies within a 3/4/5/6 range cone in front of him 10 times.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Flamebreath attack


Holy Blade Garna
Strikes the Holy Blade down, dealing (0 / 40 / 80 / 200 + Spell Power) damage to enemies in a straight line then attacks with the Holy Blade for 5/6/7/8 sec. The ATK of the Holy Blade increases by (125 + Spell Power / 200 x 3)%

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Holy Blade Garna slam attack
Final Skill Damage: _______ per Holy Blade Garna sword swing


Hunt Command
Deals (20 / 30 / 40 / 50 + Spell Power) damage to the farthest enemy and reduces its Attack Speed by 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% for 5 seconds. (Max 2 stacks)

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Hunt Command attack


Rapid Arrows
Attacks 3/4/5/6 more times for 6 seconds.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


Soul Link
Links 3 target with chains, making them share damage dealt on them, stun effects, and slow effects. Chains remain for 7/9/11/13 seconds and break when shared damage reaches (50 / 75 / 100 / 125 + Spell Power), dealing additional (12.5 / 18.75 / 25 / 31.25 + Spell Power) / 4.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Breaking Damage Threshold: _______ Soul Link shared damage
Final Skill Damage: _______ per Soul Link chain break


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


Annihilation Time
Shoots 4 enhances arrows that deal (300 / 400 / 500 / 600 + (Spell Attack/10))% of ATK. During Annihilaton Time, Neria's Attack Speed is fixed to 55% and her Range limit is lifted.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Annihilation Time attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


Void Form
Obtains 30 Void whenever an ally or enemy dies. Enter Void Form upon obtaining max Voids.

Punishment of Void
Deals physical damage equal to (250+(Spell Attack/16.66))% of ATK to all enemies within 5x3 range every 3 normal attacks.

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per Punishment of Void attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack


skill name
skill description

Relic Bonuses:
Attack Spell Attack Speed Health

Final Skill Damage: _______ per skill name attack